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Exhibition: Cars, Carriages and the Cam

The Museum of Cambridge 2-3 Castle Street, Cambridge

The Museum of Cambridge is excited to launch our new exhibit, “Cars, Carriages and the Cam: Navigating your way in Cambridge”, set to open on Wednesday 8th of November in our Attic Gallery! Discover Cambridge’s history of trams, trains, carriages

Hidden Cambridge Tour February

Take another look at Cambridge with a 90-minute Hidden Cambridge Walking Tour. Enjoy a tour of the lesser-known Castle area of Cambridge. Discover some of the hidden nooks and crannies you've never noticed before! Hear stories of beer, brothels and

Toy Theatre Family Craft Activity

Enid Porter Room, Museum of Cambridge 2-3 Castle Street, Cambridge

Join the Museum of Cambridge and let your creativity take centre stage with our family toy theatre-making activity. Create scenery and characters of a Pollock theatre, inspired by the one on display in the Museum's Childhood Room. This hands-on craft