The Things We See

Welcome to The Things We See – an online volunteer-curated exhibition from the Museum of Cambridge.

This work is about objects in our collection that the participant volunteers particularly like, are interested in, or link to a personal story.

The volunteers took different approaches to develop their thinking around their chosen object. Research was a fundamental part of understanding the item and, from there, they explored creative ways to develop the findings of their research further. These involved observing closely, drawing and writing, to name a few. 

From recorded and written poems, to paintings and fictional characters, our volunteers have come up with a myriad of ways of digging deeper into what makes an object a source of meaning and fascination.

Our Museum celebrates the histories of the objects and the people who used them, and this exhibition takes exploration and interpretation a step further so that they become relevant for our present times too. We hope you will enjoy discovering more about these objects and the brilliant work of our volunteers.

Do you have a story about a dear object in a museum or at home? Please let us know about it by emailing, we’d love to hear what you have to share!