Drawing Connections …at the edges: Arts in Prisons

Guide Book

Here are direct links to all the rooms in the exhibition.


Drawing Connections …at the edges
Pilot Session One

Visually enhanced feedback of the Drawing Connections project

Gallery of the Drawing Connections artwork

Resources for the Drawing Connections project

Operation Jackdraw

Further Reading & Resources
Imprisonment, Lockdown, Creativity for Wellness and Learning Together

Penal Reform’s Growth Uncut Radio

Streetbase WF
Streetbase in Waltham Forest are a youth-led initiative that works to support young people through their mentoring and youth engagement patrols.

The Power of Love
In the wake of 29.11.2019

Moments of Growth

Charlie Ryder
Film maker, creative producer and puppeteer


Introductory Video
Cambridge Festival of Ideas 2019

How has Lockdown made you feel?

Main Noticeboard