Hidden Cambridge Walking Tour

Round Church Round Church, Bridge Street, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Join us and explore Hidden Cambridge, taking in the streets, alleys, buildings and history of the people living in the area between St John's College and Quayside — the centre of trade that made the town a thriving inland port long before the first students arrived — before crossing the river to Castle Hill and the location of the Roman settlement of Duroliponte.

A walking tour for local residents who want to know more about the side streets and alleyways of the city as well as for visitors who want to discover more of Cambridge beyond King's Parade

National Lottery Open Week #ThanksToYou means free entry at the museum!

The Museum of Cambridge 2-3 Castle Street, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

It's time to say thank you to everyone who has been supporting us at the Museum of Cambridge through the National Lottery! Did you know that more than £30 million is raised each week for great causes like ours? This