Celebrating Together: A Winter Success

Celebrating Together: A Winter Success

What a way to wrap up 2021! Our community curated exhibition Celebrating Together closed on January 10th after five weeks of display. During the exhibition, the museum was covered in festive decorations and we displayed themed objects from our collections. Some of the objects had never been out on display before. But at the forefront of Celebrating Together were the stories, sounds, and recipes gathered from our communities. They explored what makes celebrations special. The museum certainly felt full and joyful going into the holiday season.

At its core, Celebrating Together was about exploring the many different elements that go together to make up a celebration, be it Ramadan, Chanukah, or Christmas and the New Year. For the people of our city, food, family, and having fun were top of the list. They are all key elements that bring people together.

Visitors to the museum shared their favourite memories of celebrating too! There were interactive displays where people could write down their holiday recollections. From playing Bingo and making up games with friends to using cotton wool as fake snow in Singapore, everyone had a different memory that made their holiday special.

Over this exciting time the museum was interviewed on the radio where we talked about Celebrating Together. We also marked the launch of the exhibition with an exclusive Friends event and private viewing. All in all, we welcomed 230 visitors through our doors to share their own experiences and thoughts about what celebration means to them.

This post was written by Alex S., Community and Visitor Engagement Officer at the Museum

Celebrating Together: A Winter Success